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Very fun game and super clean execution!
I like the style and the way it feels when u micro units.
The fact that it is possible to even micro with melee units and kite with them, but it is tough not get hit in return is great, 4 melee guys is def difficult^^

It would be cool to see a highscore, or see how many soldiers you have killed, since you can win by running around or by running away as little as possible and keeping high dps.

an alternative mode would also be fun where you have no waves but simply big armies that clash and you are (slightly or not so slightly) outnumbered and you simply micro big battles :D


Glad you liked it! game is a bit like not being developed anymore but I agree with your comments and the ideas. 

The feeling of being outnumbered but being able to persist by doing great micro is something aligned with the vision I had for this mini game, like if you are spartans or something like that xD

Thanks for writing!!


Playing with four archers feels like playing marines only starcraft. 10/10

any chance you could put this on github to see how it was done? its cool :)

I would love to but sadly I can't since I am using purchased assets that I don't have permission to share.

Which RTS engine asset are you using so I can follow up and learn the style of implementation :) CHeers!

I meant the visual assets, I have stuff from different artists like @penusbmic's for example (not necessarily for rts games). The code is all mine but I have it coupled in the same github repository.

Deleted 330 days ago

if I lose one soldier = need to restart, otherwise the game is pleasant

Not necessarily, the idea of using a lot of micro management is to overcome obstacles like that one, and the AI is pretty simple, however it takes some practice to get used to micro.

Thanks for playing!!!